Constitution & Club Rules
Adopted: 10th September 2015
Amended: 24th May 2018
Amended: 23rd May 2024
1. Name of Club
a. The Club shall be called the ‘Lymington Camera Club’, referred to as ‘the Club’ in this Constitution
2. Affiliation to Other Organizations
a. The Club through the Committee may associate itself with or become affiliated to any society, club or organisation having objectives compatible with or similar to those of the Club and may accept any such society, club or organisation as affiliated to itself
b. Members shall attend and/or take part in meetings and any other events organised by or with other organizations entirely at their own risk
c. Current Affiliations:
i. The Club is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) through the Southern Counties Photographic Federation (SCPF)
3. Aims and Objectives
a. The furtherance of the art, science and enjoyment of photography
b. To expand photographic knowledge and skills through a mixture of lectures, competitions and other activities within a social environment
4. Management of the Club
a. The management of the club is the responsibility of the Committee which has delegated powers to deal with and decide upon all matters not covered by the Constitution
b. The Committee shall consist of at least 5 Officers including the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and other specialist members as recommended by the Committee
c. Committee members will be elected by a majority vote at each AGM and appointed until the end of the next AGM at which time they may re-apply for any position. Officers shall retire if not re-elected
d. The Committee has the power to fill any vacancy arising during its term of office, such co-opted members to serve until the next Annual General Meeting
e. The Committee has the power to co-opt additional members onto the committee for specific tasks. A co-opted member will stand down if the committee so decides or the reason for being on the committee has been completed
f. The Committee may appoint sub-groups to manage such affairs as they may define, the members of which do not have to be committee members
g. The Committee may set Club Rules and / or Policies for any matters not covered by this Constitution
h. Committee decisions will be determined by majority vote, with the Chair having the casting vote
i. Committee meetings require a quorum of three members or 50% of the committee, whichever is greater
5. Membership
a. Membership is open to all adults over 18 years old who are interested in photography, regardless of photographic experience or knowledge
b. The Club consists of Ordinary Members and Honorary Members
c. All Members shall abide by the Constitution and are expected to be of good conduct. They shall
i. Act in the best interests of the Club, its Objectives and its Members
ii. Act as an ambassador for the Club and not in any way to damage its reputation
iii. Respect the views of other Members, photographers and guests
d. Application for Ordinary Membership shall be made in a manner determined from time to time by the Committee. Membership shall be at the discretion of the Committee
e. The Committee has the power to confer Honorary Membership for life or for the remainder of the current membership year upon any person who may have rendered outstanding service to photography or to the Club. An Honorary Member shall pay no subscription and shall be entitled to all the privileges of Membership except that unless authorised by the Committee shall not be entitled to vote at meetings or hold any office in the Club
f. Members may borrow equipment belonging to the club at the discretion of the Committee. A nominal charge may apply
g. A member may resign his or her membership at any time
h. The Committee reserves the right to TERMINATE A MEMBERSHIP for good reason. The member concerned has the right to be heard by the Committee, accompanied if they wish by a friend or representative, before a final decision is made
i. Any person on ceasing to be a member of the Club shall forfeit all rights and claims upon the Club, its property and funds
6. Visitors
a. The Club welcomes visitors to all its meetings. A fee is payable at the discretion of the Committee
b. Visitors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, or an adult with the specific agreement of the parent or guardian (designated responsible adult) who will be responsible for their safety at all times
c. Anyone who has had their application for membership refused or had their membership revoked may not attend Club meetings
7. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
a. Annual General Meetings (AGMs) will be held on a date to be fixed by the Committee
b. Notice of the AGM shall be notified to every member at least three weeks before the date of the meeting. Advice of the Annual General Meeting in the Club’s advance programme shall be deemed to meet this requirement
c. The Club Chairman will normally Chair the meetings. In his or her absence, one of the other officers of the Club shall take the Chair
d. The business at such meeting shall be
i. To receive a report from the Committee
ii. To receive and approve a statement of accounts and balance sheet for the preceding financial year
iii. Agree Membership Subscriptions and Visitor Fees
iv. Approve any amendments to the Club’s Constitution, where applicable
v. The election of Officers
vi. Any other business (AOB)
e. Agenda items, motions, committee nominations (proposed and seconded), must be submitted to the Secretary no later than 14 days before the meeting. The consent of any member nominated for office must have been obtained first
f. Items to be included in Any Other Business (AOB) may also be taken from the floor at the discretion of the Chair, and if it is the will of the meeting
g. Nominations for committee posts must be proposed by one member and seconded by another. Voting on block is allowed
h. Where there are more candidates than vacancies on the Committee there shall be an election by ballot of the members present at the meeting
i. All Ordinary members have one vote at AGMs and Motions, Proposals and Amendments will be decided by a majority vote with the Chair of the meeting holding the casting vote in the case of equality of votes. Voting shall be by show of hands unless otherwise expressly provided by the Club Constitution or the Committee decides otherwise
j. AGMs require a quorum of 15% of the membership
8. Extraordinary General Meetings
a. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be called
i. Whenever the Committee deem necessary
ii. On a requisition being presented to the Secretary and Chairman stating the matter to be discussed and signed by at least 25% of the paid up membership. The EGM must be held within one calendar month of the request being presented
b. The Secretary shall give members at least 14 days’ notice of an EGM, stating the matter to be discussed.
c. All discussion will be confined to the purpose of the meeting as stated alone
9. Financial Management
a. The Club Accounting Year will run from 1st March to the end of the following February
b. The assets and funds held by the Club shall be managed by the Treasurer on behalf of the Club
c. The Treasurer shall ensure the safe keeping of all funds and track the location of all assets
d. The Treasurer will provide a financial statement for each AGM and at any other reasonable time required by the Committee
e. All Club expenditure must be managed by the Committee
f. The Committee through the Treasurer and Secretary is responsible for ensuring that the Club is adequately insured to cover public liability, property and the membership
g. All Club funds shall be banked at recognised banks or building societies
h. Online transactions shall be carried out by the Treasurer with access to all the clubs bank accounts according to bank security procedures. At least one other nominated committee member shall have access to the clubs bank accounts subject to bank security procedures
i. An independent financial examiner who will review the annual accounts will be elected at the previous AGM and appointed by the committee. The examiner need not be financially qualified but shall be judged able to form an unbiased view of club accounting procedures. The examiner may be a member of the Club but not a member of the committee.
10. Subscriptions
a. The membership year for the Club runs from September 1st to August 31st
b. Annual Membership subscriptions are due on or before the opening meeting of each membership year and must be paid by the 30th September otherwise membership, at the Committee’s discretion, may be deemed to have lapsed
c. Honorary Members do not have to pay a subscription
d. Subscriptions and rates for members and visitor charges for the following year will be agreed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
e. Membership subscriptions are non-refundable
11. Club Meetings
a. Club Meetings shall be held two per month or otherwise as the Committee may determine
b. Excursions, photo shoots, exhibitions of members work and other events shall be held at such time and places as the Committee may from time to time determine
c. A number of photographic competitions will be organized during each membership year
i. The Committee has the power to make rules governing the conduct of these Club competitions and the award of trophies to members for photographic work done by members
ii. The Competition Rules will be notified to the members in advance of competitions
iii. The Committee may amend the competition rules as and when appropriate
d. Members will accept and abide by any rules governing or belonging to any meeting place in which the Club may meet from time to time
e. Members shall attend and / or take part in the Club meeting and any other events organized by the Club entirely at their own risk. The Club and its Committee and Members are not responsible in any way for injury, loss or damage to members or their property arising out of the activities of the Club or in connection with the use of any equipment or premises used by the Club except in so far as the Club is insured against the liability in question and to the extent of that insurance
f. The Committee has the right to refuse entrance of any member or non-member who does not respect the Constitution or rules of the Club or the privacy of other members
12. Alterations to and Interpretations of the Constitution
a. Alterations to the Constitution can only be made at an AGM or EGM and will take affect from the moment which the amendment is passed
b. In disputes arising over the interpretation of the Constitution, the Committee’s decision will be final
c. The decision of the Committee upon any matter affecting the Club and not provided for by the Constitution shall be final
d. The Committee will review the Constitution on a regular basis
13. Dissolution of the Club
a. The Club may only be dissolved if an AGM or EGM resolution to do so is passed by a majority vote of at least two-thirds of the membership entitled to vote after which the Committee shall thereupon or at such future date as shall be specified in such resolution proceed to realise the property of the Club
b. After discharging all liabilities of the Club, any remaining assets held by the Club shall be offered to a local charity or local community group
14. Data Protection
a. The Club complies with the Data Protection Act 1998. Under the Act, the Club is a data controller exempt from notification
b. In accordance with the provisions of the Act the information supplied to the Club may be held and used by the Club for the purposes of business, administration and statistical analysis. Personal contact details are used only for the administration of the Club, and are distributed only to Committee members and to others approved by the Committee for specific purposes
c. Contact details may be held about prospective members while they decide whether to join or while they are included on a membership waiting list
d. No personal data will be transferred to third parties for marketing or any other purpose without the specific consent of the Member
e. If a member agrees to enter photographs into an external competition the photographer’s name, photograph title and Club name will be supplied to the organiser for the purpose of running the competition and not passed to third parties.
f. All members will automatically be entered into Club wide email systems for the purposes of communication by Club members including communications essential to the running of the Club. Members can unsubscribe from these services.
g. Member’s name and contact details may be published on a password-protected area of the Club web site. This is entirely voluntary, and permission can be rescinded by any member at any time by contacting the Club Secretary.
h. Any member wishing to verify the personal information held by the Club should apply to the Club Secretary
i. Personal information provided by members will be retained for the duration of their membership plus seven years. The club may retain such information and information provided by other sources that form a historical record of the Club’s activities for an indefinite period for the purpose of research.
j. Member and visitor attendance data collected in written form for safety and security reasons at each club meeting may be used to evaluate club activities
15. Safeguarding Intellectual Property of Members
a. The copyright work of members will not be published or given away by the Club without the owner’s permission
16. Protection of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults (‘Vulnerable Individuals’)
a. The Club acknowledges its duty to ensure vulnerable individuals are protected whilst attending meetings and other events organised by the Club
b. All activities provided by the Club should take place in a safe and enjoyable environment and every reasonable step will be taken to ensure all members and visitors involved are protected from any form of abuse or discrimination be it physical, emotional or sexual
c. The Club does not undertake the all-encompassing responsibilities of those acting in the role of guardians or carers
d. The Club does not sanction distasteful imagery of any kind. However, it may show images acceptable in the world of art or photojournalism similar to those seen in the public domain in art galleries or photographic exhibitions that include nudity and other adult content. Whether or not images are inappropriate should be judged within this context
e. All suspicions and allegations of abuse or discrimination should be reported to the Club Secretary and Chairman. They will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately
17. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
a. The Club respects the values of equality, diversity and inclusion in all activities, events, communications and governance to provide a safe, respectful and supportive environment for all members and visitors
b. Members and visitors should report any incidents or concerns of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation to the Club Secretary and Chairman which will be taken seriously and responded to appropriately
18. Health and Safety
a. The Club will ensure compliance with Health and Safety Legislation, Regulation and Guidance where appropriate
b. The Committee has overall responsibility for implementing and enforcing any Health and Safety Policy relevant to the Club’s location and methods of operationConsitution and Club Rules
Adopted: 23rd May 2024