About Us

Lymington Camera Club is devoted to your enjoyment of photography and the improvement of members’ photographic skills. This is achieved by providing ‘how to’ evenings and competitions, where each member competes with colleagues at the same level of skill as their own. There is a friendly, enjoyable atmosphere, where members are able to talk and learn about each others’ skills. Outside camera shoots are held at places of interest, usually during the Summer months.
There is no need to buy a fancy camera to join and enjoy the club; indeed, winning pictures are frequently taken on very simple, inexpensive, cameras. You are discouraged from squandering your money on expensive kit until you are really sure you have learned what is available and what suits both your level of skill you wish to achieve and, of course, your budget.
Lymington Camera Club is a member of the Southern Counties Photographic Federation.
Visitors are always welcome, at a cost of £5.00 per session. Full membership is available to those over 18 years of age and costs a lenient £50 a year but your £5.00 visitors fees are refunded for up to three trial visits when you join.
Want to know more? Contact Denise Phillips at lymingtoncameraclub@gmail.com or just turn up at one of the meetings listed here.